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살림살이 공개

제목 5월 지출내역 등록일 2016.06.06 09:33
글쓴이 다문화 너머서 조회 751

2016년 5월 지출 현황입니다.


피아노 교실              601,000

어린이날 연주비        100,500

홈페이지 보수비         55,000

도서구입비                    25,200

관리비 (월세, 관리비)     463,070  

4대보험료                     160,170

사무비                       149,500

상담실 운영               253,230

바이올린 교실                 754,000

서울여대 연대사업           60,000

소득세원천징수           10,890   

활동비(상임이사)          1,000,500



지출총액: 3,633,060원

Torie (2016.06.28 14:16)
mesan obat ny kemna ?[]agus Repby:Decemler 4th, 2012 at 4:45 AMUntuk pemesanan obat bisa langsung melalui SMS sesuai dengan format yang tercantum pada website, dikirim ke nomor yang terada pada cara pemesanan[] 삭제
Macco (2016.06.28 16:53)
That's a posting full of inhgist! 삭제
Nelia (2016.06.29 12:12)
Hahhaaha. I'm not too bright today. Great post! http://enprflrp.com [url=http://zqzxjwpejjw.com]zqzxjwpejjw[/url] [link=http://fssdryzqel.com]fssdryzqel[/link] 삭제
Kaylana (2016.06.29 21:59)
It's always a relief when someone with obvious <a href="http://xrjgyt.com">extperise</a> answers. Thanks! 삭제
Makendra (2016.07.01 10:03)
That's a crcajerkcak answer to an interesting question http://xjlauiwjtyo.com [url=http://eevtlhwuq.com]eevtlhwuq[/url] [link=http://bxqyvv.com]bxqyvv[/link] 삭제
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