제목 News in January 2017 등록일 2017.03.07 11:24
글쓴이 다문화 너머서 조회 714

Happy New Year, Wishing you a New Year filled with New Hope and Joy!
This article is from the first issue of our soon-to-come Webzine

There is one simple truth, a truth which reads that we do not live alone in this wide world and should all live harmoniously with each other. When you choose to think only about yourself and not others, a society full of people who are neglected and marginalized will eventually catch up with you.


Amidst all the complicated interests and concerns that developed nations share about immigration and refugee policies, we have seen that it is volunteer workers who become the first ones to genuinely receive and care for foreign immigrants and refugees. Volunteer workers help immigrants and refugees to learn their countrys language, go to school, find jobs, and adapt to this new and unfamiliar environment so that immigrants and refugees are able to establish themselves as community members (and not outsiders). This way, foreign incomers can participate in the society as active citizens and contribute to local community systems.


During this process, volunteer workers discover that foreign immigrants and refugees, people they thought were alien and different, are actually not very much different at all and experience a kind of familial connection and love. In such manner, volunteer workers are doing an invaluable work of building trust between people, which is our societys most important safety network.


We Rainbow Dream members think that we have been doing this kind of work, a work most timely in that Korea is continually and increasingly becoming a more and more multicultural society. Our efforts have been sincere and earnest. And we are serious about our work. Rainbow Dream is not a short-term organization and is rather organized as a long-term project. Rainbow Dream tries to understand the specific hardships of foreign incomers. We do not offer abstract advice or assistance, but endeavor to offer practical help. In addition, our Rainbow Dream members and volunteers do not think of their relationship with multicultural families as simply the helper and helped, but rather understand it as a mutual interaction where both sides experience positive change.

One aspect we would like to emphasize is that we have a clear philosophical approach and methodology to our programs. Our approach involves the notion that artistic and cultural activities can help to heal minds and enrich peoples lives. Children from multicultural families can grow as healthy society members through the help of artistic and cultural therapy. And we sincerely believe that everyone has something to share. When multicultural children and their families give us big smiles as an expression of appreciation, we feel that this is the way towards a healthy relationship between people, a relationship where each and every person looks out and care for each other when help is needed.

We are aware that, at times, good will can unintentionally hurt peoples self esteem or self-respect. We believe that help offered by Rainbow Dream is of a different character. Rainbow Dream has adopted Martin Luther Kings spirit of joining hands as sisters and brothers, an alternative method to the imposition of policies and one-sided help. Rainbow Dream hopes for its teachers, volunteers, multicultural children and families to become one large harmonious community. And we are aware that the hard work and service of volunteer workers is everything in order to build such a community. But an evident fact and truth is that our volunteer workers are the leading actors in the construction of this safety network of our society. Rainbow Dream pays its respects to all volunteer workers, supporters, sponsors, and everyone who helped along the way of its journey.


Park Yun-ae (board member of Rainbow Dream, representative of volunteer group e-um, International Association for Volunteer Effort Asia-Pacific representative)

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