제목 March 2016 등록일 2016.05.02 10:39
글쓴이 다문화 너머서 조회 936

<March News and Commencement of New Plans>

Winter <Art Therapy Class> for mothers and children that went on for 10 weeks has just finished on March 19th. During the winter, especially, many children participate in these kinds of sessions and classes, so we accordingly made two child classes for this program. 12~15 children participated, and 5~7 foreign mothers participated in each class.

And on the last day of class, we were able to wrap up our 10week-long journey with delicious lunch boxes instead of the ordinary Gimbap thanks to our supporters. We once again express our warm Thanks.

Rainbow Dream usually gives out high-end lollipop candies when the weather is windy or when it rains heavily, and we give out socks when the ‘Happy Move’ group holds parties. Our supporters heard the news that we were running out of candies and socks through our facebook account and sent these supplies at once. We send out our thanks and gratitude once more.

On March 26, the ‘Happy Move’ mentoring party took place. 30 children, 10 mothers, and 25 volunteers from ‘Happy Move’ participated this day. Children made delicious flowerpot cakes and mothers made lip balms. ‘Happy Move’ has done this kind of volunteer work for Rainbow Dream for 7 years, so they share a close bond with our multicultural children. It is a truly beautiful scene.

On April, two special programs are awaiting our children and their families. First is our <Wednesday Violin Class>, which is going to start on April 20. This program will continue for 10 weeks during the first half of this year. Teachers for this class are already arranged and multicultural mothers have expressed particular interest in this class. Because this class has a lot of applicants, we are planning to select the children who could attend this class based on each student’s attendance rate from January to March, the family's circumstances, and their classroom behavior during piano lessons.

Another of our new programs is the Service-Learning(S-L) cooperation project with Seoul Women’s University. This semester, we will take the university’s educational psychology major senior course, ‘Psychological Counseling,’ and carry it out in the form of this Service-Learning cooperation project. Since the results of this cooperation project were positive last semester, we are hoping that we could continue on such cooperative work with the academia and we also hope that such interaction would be able to generate mutual benefit as well.

Lastly, there is an overload of middle school and high school volunteers these days for our <Saturaday class> sessions. However, these students cannot come to do volunteer work during their exams. So we need help from university students during this period. Rainbow Dream needs more university volunteer students during middle school and high school midterm and final exam terms. We would be grateful for your help and support.

파일첨부 :
1. FB_IMG_1459119027190.jpg 다운받기 다운로드횟수[980]
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